Passport allows District and School Administrators to share their roster data with Application Providers to facilitate user account and roster data provision into educational services that a used by district and schools.
Roster data can be upload into Passport:
- In a form of CSV files via Admin UI or SFTP
- Using API based data sync
Application Providers publish their Products in Catalog. District and School Administrators can establish roster data integration with Application Providers by activating their Products from Passport’s Catalog. The respective products belong to Roster Data Integration (RDI) category. Once Application Provider is granted with access, roster data get consumed through Passport’s Data API.
Table of Contents
Roster Data Integrations for District/School Admins
Roster Data Integration for Application Providers (Partners)
Data validation and Notifications
Roster Data Integrations for System Admin
RDI Management for Educational Organizations by System Admin
RDI Management for Ecosystem Partners by System Admin
Account Provisioning Connectors
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Educational Organizations
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Ecosystem Partners
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management by Sys Admins
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Educational Organizations by Sys Admins
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Ecosystem Partners by Sys Admins
Roster Data Integration for District & School Admins
To establish roster data integration with Application Provider:
- Open the Catalog by selecting Catalog>Product Connectors.
- In the Filter by column on the left, check the Roster Data Integrations checkbox in the Types area. The Catalog screen will show Roster Data Integration Resources.
- Activate the desired Roster Data Integration Resource for a desired Organization(s).
- Navigate to Integrations > Roster Data Integrations to open the Roster Data Integrations screen.
- Use the Organization pull-down menu to select the Organization for which you activated Resource in Step 3.
- Find the newly-added Resource in the Service list and click the Manage Permissions to adjust the data access permissions.
- In the Status column, click the gray Activate button to activate roster data synchronization.
NOTE: Only administrator with elevated permissions can activate roster data integration.
To review status and manage roster data integrations navigate to “Integrations” > “Roster Data Integrations” Dashboard. “Service” pull-down menu contains all Roster Data Integrations that are activated for at least one organization under administration of the current user. Once the Service is selected then all respective organizations will be shown in the table.
The table contains the following information:
- Organization: name of the organization.
- Status: it can be either Active (Application Partner has access to roster data of this Organization) or Inactive (access to roster data is disabled). If organization is a District then “Status” column displays a number of schools in the district that have Roster Data Integration activated. To activate an inactive integration, click the gray Activate button. The red Inactive button turns grey and displays Inactivate. To deactivate an active integration, click the gray Inactivate button for the Organization you want to deactivate. The green Active button turns grey and changes caption to Activate.
Hovering over button in Active state, displays who and when activated the integration.
- Permissions: clicking this link opens the Manage Permissions popup, which allows you to configure access to roster data.
- Quality of data: displays the result of most recent data validation and allows to review the validation errors.
Top panel of the table indicates current browsing point in organizational hierarchy. The most right element is a root of browsing hierarchy. Clicking on the root element will toggle display between hierarchical structure (grouping by district) and a flat structure (displays both districts and schools).
Search Bar allow to filter the list of Organizations by name.
To review and adjust access to roster data click “Manage Permissions” in “Permissions” column.
To adjust permission:
- Check the appropriate checkbox to expose the data attribute to Application Provider
- Clear the appropriate checkbox to block access to a data attribute for Application Provider
Mandatory data attributes are marked with a red asterisk (*). Those are the required data that are defined by Application Provider as they are essential for Roster Data Integration with the given Application.
Click “Save” to persist your changes or “Save & Approve” to save data access permissions and activate Roster Data Integration.
Roster Data Integration for Application Providers (Partners)
Application Providers need to publish their Products in Catalog so that District and School Administrators can enable access to their roster data. Refer to “Managing Product List” chapter for further details on management of Product Profile.
Product Profile Editor for Roster Data Integration type of products allows to designate a set of mandatory roster data entities and attributes.Note: Roster Data Integration entities and attributes can be edited only if Product does not have active integrations.
Once Roster Data Integration Product gets created, Passport generates OAuth credentials that should be used to authenticate to Passport’s API. Navigate to “Development” > “Portal” screen to access the credentials.
To review status and manage roster data integrations navigate to “Integrations” > “Roster Data Integrations” Dashboard. “Service” pull-down menu contains Roster Data Integrations that are under administration of the current Provider account. The Dashboard displays all organizations that have activated Roster Data Integration for the selected “Service”.
The table contains the following information:
- Organization: name of the organization.
- Status: it can be either Active (Application Partner has access to roster data of this Organization) or Inactive (access to roster data is disabled). If organization is a District then “Status” column displays a number of schools in the district that have Roster Data Integration activated. To activate an inactive integration, click the gray Activate button. The red Inactive button turns grey and displays Inactivate. To deactivate an active integration, click the gray Inactivate button for the Organization you want to deactivate. The green Active button turns grey and changes caption to Activate.
Hovering over button in Active state, displays who and when activated the integration.
- Permissions: clicking this link opens the Manage Permissions popup, which allows you to configure access to roster data.
- Quality of data: displays the result of most recent data validation and allows to review the validation errors.
Top panel of the table indicates current browsing point in organizational hierarchy. The most right element is a root of browsing hierarchy. Clicking on the root element will toggle display between hierarchical structure (grouping by district) and a flat structure (displays both districts and schools).
Search panel allows to filter the list of Organizations by name.
Data validation and Notifications
Passport validates all incoming roster data that are uploaded in a form of CSV files or delivered through API synchronization.
There are two level of Roster Data validation:
- Basic data validation
- Application specific validation
Basic data validation checks for required field for the entities.
A user account in a district upload can be associated with more than one school.
Besides validation for required data elements, Cross-Entity check is applied. That allow to detect issues when a data object references non-existing entity (for example, Student_id in a Enrollment object is not defined in the list of Students). Passport applies permissive control to Cross-Entity validation - Passport generates report about issues with cross-check validation and filter respective records out from data set and the rest of the data get persisted in the system.
Customer specific validation allows Application Providers to configure validation rules on top of the Basic data validation. Application Providers can designate mandatory fields through a Product Profile Editor. In addition, Application Provider can define Permissive Data Validation (“warnings”). Issues with Permissive Data Validation will not make roster data upload invalid but respective data validation error will be included into report.
Reports with data validation errors are available from Admin UI, under “Integrations”>” Roster Data Integrations” view by clicking on the button in “Quality of data” column. The popup windows displays expandable vertically-oriented timeline of data validation and notifications.
The Data Upload History contains the following types of data:
- Validation errors - contains a table with a list of data validation errors, count of affected records and links to download report in CSV format
- Incoming and Outgoing messages - communication messages between provider and consumer of roster data
Note: if data incoming data has not changed then validation will not take place and history tree is not updated
System provides for email exchange between District/School Administrators and Application Provider. Use “Compose Message” button to open a form for composing and email notification. Both District/School Administrators and Application Provider have control over email notification settings and allows to enable :
- Email delivery of system generated report about roster data validation errors
- Direct contact by counterpart of the Roster Data Integration
Roster Data Integrations for System Admin
RDI Management for Educational Organizations by System Admin
For educational Organizations, the Roster Data Integrations - Orgs screen allows you to:
- View Roster Data Integration services (added from the Catalog, as described in Activating Resources and Adding a New Integration; links open new articles) for external parties that can access Organization roster information, using API calls.
- View access history for each service.
- Deactivate service access to roster data.
You can view integrations by using the Organization pull-down menu to select the Organization for which you want to view services. The table on this screen contains the following information:
- Service: Name of the service.
- Activated By: First name and Family name of the administrator who activated RDI and date when he performed it.
View History: Clicking this link opens the History popup, which contains the following columns:
- Time: Date and time of the API call.
Request URI and Data: API request from the partner to SchoolMessenger Passport and JSON response to the partner’s request.
Status: This can be either Active (partners can access roster data for this Organization) or Inactive (partners cannot access roster data for this Organization).
- To deactivate an active integration, click the gray Inactivate button for the Organization you want to deactivate. The green Active button turns red and displays Inactive.
RDI Management for Ecosystem Partners by System Admin
Selecting Integrations > Integrations - Partners opens the Partner Integrations screen, which allows you to manage all Partner’s Roster Data Integration (RDI) Services. The Integrations screen allows you to:
- View the educational Organizations that are using Partner’s Roster Data Integration services.
- Partner activate/deactivate access to RDI service for Organization.
- View access history for each Organization.
You can search organizations for appropriate service by entering one or more key word(s) in the Search field, specifying whether to search by either Organization name (Org Name) or parent Organization name (by Parent Org Name), and then by clicking Search.
The table on this screen contains the following information:
- Organization: Name of the Organization.
- Parent Organization: Name of the Parent Organization.
Status: This can be either Active (partners can access roster data for this Organization) or Inactive (partners cannot access roster data for this Organization).
- To deactivate an active integration, click the gray Inactivate button for the Organization you want to deactivate. The green Active button turns red and displays Inactive.
View History: Clicking this link opens the History popup, which contains the following columns:
- Time: Date and time of the API call.
- Request URI and Data: API request from the partner to SchoolMessenger Passport and JSON response to the partner’s request.
Also you can Download a report in CSV file format that reflects the list of organizations with active RDI Product(s).
Account Provisioning Connectors
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Educational Organizations
Selecting Integrations > Account Provisioning Connectors opens the Account Provisioning Connectors screen, which allows School Administrators to review the list of Provisioning Connectors activated for their organizations and sub organizations.
You can use the Organization pull-down menu to select Organization for which you want to view connectors.
The table on this screen displays the following information:
- Connector name: The connector name and a list of organizations, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Numbers in brackets reflect the number of accounts, created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned).
- Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of provisioning operations you need to click on the last assign date.
- Last Provision: Date when the last provision occurred.
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Ecosystem Partners
Selecting Integrations > Product Connectors opens the Product Connectors screen, which allows SchoolMessenger Ecosystem Partners to view the list of organizations that activated Partners’ provisioning connector(s).
You can search organizations for appropriate connector by entering one or more key word(s) in the Search field, specifying whether to search by either Organization name (Org Name) or parent Organization name (by Parent Org Name), and then clicking Search.
The table on this screen displays the following information when a connector has been selected:
- Organization: Name of the organization, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Indicated in brackets number of accounts created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned.)
- Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of provisioning operations you need to click by date.
- Last Provision: Date when last provision occurred.
Also you can Download a report in CSV file format that reflects the list of organizations for which provisioning connector was activated.
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management by Sys Admins
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Educational Organizations by Sys Admins
Selecting Integrations > Account Provisioning Connectors - Orgs opens the Account Provisioning Connectors screen, which allows you to review the list of Provisioning Connectors activated for organizations and sub organizations.
You can use the Organization pull-down menu to select Organization for which you want to view connectors
The table on this screen displays the following information:
- Connector name: The connector name and a list of organizations, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Numbers in brackets reflect the number of accounts, created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned).
- Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of provisioning operations you need to click on the last assign date.
- Last Provision: Date when the last provision occurred.
Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Ecosystem Partners by Sys Admins
Selecting Integrations > Product Connectors - Partners opens the Product Connectors screen, which allows SchoolMessenger Ecosystem Partners to view the list of organizations that activated Partners’ provisioning connector(s).
You can search for organization by entering one or more key word(s) in the Search field, specifying whether to search by either Organization name (Org Name) or parent Organization name (by Parent Org Name), and then clicking Search.
The table on this screen displays the following information:
- Organization: Name of the organization, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Numbers in brackets reflect the number of accounts, created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned).
- Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of provisioning operations you need to click on the last assign date.
- Last Provision: Date when last provision occurred.
Also you can Download a report in CSV file format that reflects the list of organizations for which provisioning connector was activated.