9.6.1. Account Provisioning Connectors: Management  for Educational Organizations by Sys Admins

Selecting Integrations > Account Provisioning Connectors - Orgs opens the Account Provisioning Connectors screen, which allows you to review the list of Provisioning Connectors activated for organizations and sub organizations.

You can use the Organization pull-down menu to select Organization for which you want to view connectors

The table on this screen displays the following information:

  • Connector name: The connector name and a list of organizations, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Numbers in brackets reflect the  number of accounts, created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned). 

  • Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of  provisioning operations you need to click on the last assign date.

  • Last Provision: Date when the last provision occurred.

9.6.2. Account Provisioning Connectors: Management for Ecosystem Partners by Sys Admins

Selecting Integrations > Product Connectors - Partners opens the Product Connectors screen, which allows SchoolMessenger Ecosystem Partners to view the list of organizations that activated Partners’ provisioning connector(s).

You can search for organization by entering one or more key word(s) in the Search field, specifying whether to search by either Organization name (Org Name) or parent Organization name (by Parent Org Name), and then clicking Search. 

The table on this screen displays the following information:

  • Organization: Name of the organization, roles and groups to which account provisioning connector was assigned. Numbers in brackets reflect the  number of accounts, created in result of provisioning operation (number of users associated with roles(s) / group(s) to which provisioning connector was assigned). 

  • Last Assign: Date and time when connector is assigned to a role(s) / group(s) and who performed it. To view history log of provisioning operations you need to click on the last assign date.

  • Last Provision: Date when last provision occurred.

Also you can Download a report in CSV file format that reflects the list of organizations for which provisioning connector was activated.