About This Manual

This section describes the formatting conventions and information contained in this manual.


This manual contains the following chapters:

  • 1 – Introduction: Describes the key features and benefits and architecture of SchoolMessenger Passport, defines key terms, and describes how this manual is formatted and laid out. See Introduction (opens chapter TOC).
  • 2 – General Functions: Describes the general functions used throughout the SchoolMessenger Passport interface. See General Functions (opens chapter TOC).
  • 3 – Organizations: Describes how to manage Organizations and sub-organizations, including adding, editing, and removing an Organization. See Organizations (opens chapter TOC).
  • 4 – Resources: Describes working with Resource(s) that have been purchased from the marketplace, including assigning, delegating, organizing, configuring, removing, and deleting those Resources. Also describes how to use Bookmarks within SchoolMessenger Passport. See Resources (opens chapter TOC).
  • 5 – Users: Covers viewing, adding, editing, and removing users. See Users (opens chapter TOC).
  • 6 – Reports: This chapter describes the reports available in SchoolMessenger Passport and how to use those reports to obtain key data on how users are accessing the available Resources. See Reports (opens chapter TOC).
  • 7 – Marketplace: Describes how to use the Marketplace to browse for and purchase Resources that can then be added to Organizations and made accessible to Users in the Resources screen. See Marketplace (opens chapter TOC).
  • 8 Development Portal: Describes how to manage applications that are authorized to make API calls to SSO Passport.
  • 9 Integrations: Describes how to manage these types of Resources as "Roster Data Integrations" and "Provisioning Connectors".
  • 10 Connectors: Describes how to configure each connector after activation for organization.

Formatting Conventions

This manual uses several formatting conventions to present information of special importance.

Lists of items, points to consider, or procedures that do not need to be performed in a specific order appear in bullet format:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Procedures that must be followed in a specific order appear in numbered steps:

  1. Perform this step first.
  1. Perform this step second.

Specific keyboard keys are depicted in square brackets and are capitalized, for example: [ESC]. If more than one key should be pressed simultaneously, the notation will appear as [KEY1]+[KEY 2], for example [ALT]+[F4].

Interface elements such as document titles, fields, windows, tabs, buttons, commands, options, and icons appear in bold text.

Menus and sub-menus have the notation Option>Sub-option. For example, “Select Reports>Charts” means that you should first open the Reports tab, and then select the Charts option.

Specific commands appear in standard Courier font. Sequences of commands appear in the order in which you should execute them and include horizontal or vertical spaces between commands. Specific text returned by SchoolMessenger Passport appears in bold Courier font.

This manual also contains important safety information and instructions in specially formatted callouts with accompanying graphic symbols:


Notes provide helpful information.