Navigation: Users > SFTP
The system provides District and School administrators with ability to upload School Information System data using SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). The file should be formated as described in “CSV Upload” chapter.
Configuration of SFTP upload consists of two steps.
- Import Configuration
This section allows the user to specify the following (all options are mandatory):
Data Schema: The desired data format of CSV files. There are 3 options:
- - Passport Basic Identity Data - Minimal data set for creating users.
- - SchoolMessenger Data API - Extended data set, including roster data.
- - SSO Credentials - A set of credentials for Connectors, that can be pre-populated for end users.
Templates of CSV files for each of these options can be downloaded by navigating to: Users > CSV Upload, choosing the desired "Data Model", and clicking "Download templates".
- Critical Changes Level: A critical level of changes in CSV files, comparing to the latest data transaction. If data will be different by more than the selected level - data processing will be suspended until District or School Administrator reviews and approves the data upload. Email notification will be sent when system detects significant change. The value can be set in the range of 0-50% with the increment of 10%.
- Email for notifications: Email address for sending notifications about the status of data processing.
- Status: Click Active to enable or Inactive to disable SFTP service.
- SFTP Users
To create an SFTP account - click “Add SFTP User“ and fill out the following (all options are mandatory):
- Username: Username that will be used when logging in to the SFTP server.
Authentication Type: Choose the desired authentication mechanism:
- Password-based: allows the use of a password for SFTP connections. The requirements of the password are: at least 8 characters in length, with 1 uppercase 1 digit and 1 special character.
- Key-based: allows the use of a key instead of password for SFTP authentication. This method is more secure. Once the option is selected - system will show a "Add Public Key file" button. The supported format is: OpenSSH DSA public key, at least 2048 bits.
- Allow Connect From: Enter the IP address and range from which this user can access the SFTP server in CIDR format, such as To allow connections from any IP address, type the following:
Status: Click the appropriate button to enable (Enabled) or disable (Disabled) SFTP access for this user.