Adding Users

There are three ways to add users to SchoolMessenger Passport:

  • Individually, using the Add User screen. See Web Form.

Note: If notifications are enabled by the Administrator, then SchoolMessenger Passport will automatically email a user when their account is created..

Web Form

The web form user option can be used when your Organization has only a very small number of users, or when you have only one or a few new users to add to an existing user list and do not need to upload a CSV file.

To add a single user:

  1. Select Users>Users to open the Users screen.
  1. Click the Single icon (person) in the Add User(s) section of the screen.

    The New User screen appears.

  1. Enter the following information:
    • First Name: User’s first name
    • Last Name: User’s last name (surname)
    • Gender: Use the pull-down menu to select either Male or Female, as appropriate.
    • Date of Birth: Click the link to open a Date popup that allows you to either input a date (in mm/dd/yyyy format) or use the Calendar function to browse for the correct date.
    • Organization: Use this pull-down menu to select the Organization or sub-organization within which to add the user.
    • User Role: Use this pull-down menu to assign a Role to the user. See Creating Roles (opens a new article) for information about adding Roles. If you want to make the user an Administrator for an Organization or sub-organization, please see Managing Administrators (opens a new article).
    • Group: Use this pull-down menu to assign a Group to the user. See Creating Groups (opens a new article) for information about adding Groups.
    • Grade: Use this pull-down menu to specify the grade that the user is in, if appropriate.
    • User Name: If you leave this field blank, then SchoolMessenger Passport will automatically generate a username based on the algorithm assigned to the Organization within which you are adding that user (see Adding an Organization; opens a new article).
    • Password: If you leave this field blank, then SchoolMessenger Passport will automatically generate a password based on the algorithm assigned to the Organization within which you are adding that user (see Adding an Organization; opens a new article).
    • Email: User’s email address.
  1. Click Submit to finish adding the new user.

The new user will appear in the table in the Users screen.